About us

Moonz is an international group of orthodontic clinics for children. At Moonz we are committed to providing the highest quality service to our patients, so that children as well as parents can live an unforgettable experience. At Moonz we strive to achieve excellence every day. More than 45,000 patients have had fun at our clinics located in Spain and the UK.

Our service

Moonz is comprised of a group of more than 60 people dedicated exclusively to orthodontics with a single purpose: provide maximum quality treatments in a way that is fun and educational for our patients and in the most enjoyable and simple way possible for their parents. We meet the highest international standards in technology, innovation and customer service.

Information about us

Your children’s dental clinic

+45.000 patients


+ 60

satisfaction rating

Our secret ingredient

At Moonz, our secret ingredient is the level in which our team is involved in educating children during their treatment, promoting creativity, development and good habits, inside and outside the clinic.

For children, their treatment becomes a unique experience from the time they enter through the door and emotional bonds are created between our personnel and the patients, which helps in their treatment.

Meet our team

Your dentists at Moonz

We introduce some of our orthodontists in charge of caring for the dental health of your child. All of our orthodontists are qualified to treat children and young people.


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