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First orthodontics evaluation

At Moonz dental clinics we recommend the first visit to the orthodontist be made at age six. This recommendation is not accidental, instead it is in line with the advice given by the main orthodontic societies of the world: the Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia (Spanish Orthodontic Society), the American Orthodontic Society and the Asociación Española de Ortodoncistas (Spanish Orthodontic Association).At age six, children are still in the process of growing. An early visit to the orthodontist enables to detect any problems in the maxillary bones and teeth at an age in which these problems are much easier to correct.Therefore, the fact that the first evaluation by an orthodontist takes place at age six allows us professionals to diagnose irregularities and plan the easiest and less invasive treatment to correct them.

Why is it important to be evaluated by an orthodontist at age six?

  • Between the ages of 6 and 9, orthodontists use many interceptive orthodontic and orthopaedic appliances, which can correct any irregularity in the facial bones and teeth.
  • Any malocclusion is detected early, regardless of the type. This provides the orthodontist with enough margin to determine what is best: immediate correction or postpone treatment for a later date, but monitoring the malocclusion periodically (through follow-up appointments).
  • Certain oral habits are detected which, although may appear to be harmless, affect proper bone and dental growth. Some examples of this are an excessive use of the pacifier, prolonged thumb sucking or bruxism.
  • Early detection of improper oral habits and their elimination prevent many future problems from appearing. Therefore, we can safely say that a visit to the orthodontist at age 6 may prevent having to undergo many treatments in the future.
  • This way, many complex, invasive, long and costly treatments are prevented during adulthood. Interceptive orthodontics and orthopaedic appliances, used between the ages of 6 and 9, prevent a great number of malocclusions that are very difficult to treat after the age of 12. Severe malocclusions that have not been treated early will require orthognathic surgery in the future.

What takes place on the first visit to the orthodontist?

At Moonz dental clinics we are qualified to treat even the youngest members of the family.. Therefore, our orthodontists are accustomed to treating kids and make a great effort to ensure their first visit to the orthodontist will be fun, quick and painless.

1- Orthodontic study: taking of photographs and x-rays.

the orthodontist will ask parents medical questions of interest that affect the child (family history, diseases, allergies, medication, prior surgeries, etc.). Additionally, the orthodontist will take interest in the habits affecting (oral development hygiene, diet, bruxism, etc.).

thorough but careful evaluation of the mouth, being careful the child does not feel any pain or discomfort.

A first visit to the orthodontist at age six is crucial, even when parents have not observed improper habits and believe their children’s teeth are healthy and straight. Irregularities may be hidden behind a pretty and well cared for smile that only an experienced orthodontist can detect.

Content supervised by our Moonz team


Dra. Natalia Santos
Dr Natalia Santos holds a degree in dentistry from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is qualified in orthodontics by Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio. She is certified by Invisalign to administer treatments and has extensive training in self ligating orthodontic and child orthopaedic techniques.

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