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Our centres > Moonz Las Rozas

Moonz Las Rozas

Calle Camilo José Cela, nº1, 28232 Las Rozas, Madrid

Tel: 911037524
Emergencies: 683111645

Regular hours:

Monday to Thursday: 10:30-20:00

Friday: 10:30-19:00

Summer hours: from July 1 to August 31
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
Monday and Wednesday:
10:30-13:30; 14:30-20:00

Regular hours:

Monday to Thursday: 10:30-20:00

Friday: 10:30-19:00

Summer hours: from July 1 to August 31
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
Monday and Wednesday:
10:30-13:30; 14:30-20:00

About Moonz Arturo Soria​

The center is located on Calle Camilo José Cela nº1, near the Heron City and Las Rozas Village shopping centers, an area with numerous leisure, shopping and restaurant options and with good direct access from the A-6 and easy parking.
It is a center specialized in children’s orthodontics and pediatric dentistry whose objective is to offer the highest quality treatments to the little ones, making them fun and educational for their patients, and at the same time as pleasant and simple as possible for their parents.
The center has facilities designed specifically for children, with a play area, PS5 and Xbox consoles, and workshops where we get them to associate going to the dentist with fun, learning, and enthusiasm.
In addition, the center has a great team of professionals who will be able to provide a complete diagnosis to the child, taking care of oral health with orthodontic treatments from an early stage (approx. from 5-6 years) and managing to educate them on the importance to take care of their oral health and that they come to our clinic with a big smile.
The objective of this new center in Las Rozas is, like that of all our Moonz centers, to offer a maximum level of excellence in treatments, while at the same time allowing patients and their parents to live a different and unforgettable experience.
Make an appointment by calling 911037524, at Moonz.com or directly at our center.

Your Moonz dentists

Your child is always cared for by the same professional. Furthermore, he is not dressed as a dentist, but he wears the uniform that any child would like to have. Once he is with your child in the cabinet, he will resort to different play techniques to increase the fun and reduce his fear.

My name is Cristina Ortega Míguez. I graduated in Dentistry at the Alfonso X El Sabio University in Madrid.
From 2009 to 2012 I studied the Master’s Degree in Orthodontics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Since then, she has worked as an orthodontic specialist treating children and adults, performing orthopedic treatments, fixed orthodontics and orthodontics with clear aligners.
During my professional career, I have invested in continuous training, updating myself in the most advanced techniques to offer the best quality of care.
In 2023 I joined Moonz, a very exciting project that allows me to work at a high level. I wait for you in Moonz.

Our treatments for children and teens

Discover our treatments

At Moonz dental clinics we provide specialised care in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry for children and teens.

Interceptive orthodontics and orthopaedics

 We provide orthopaedic and interceptive treatments aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 9. Thus, we easily correct improper habits and malformations of the bones, which can only be corrected with surgery as an adult.

First visit to the Orthodontist

The Spanish Orthodontic Society recommends the first orthodontic evaluation be conducted at age 6. Thus, the Orthodontist can detect malocclusions or incorrect oral habits that are easier to correct at an early age.

Child orthodontics

We provide orthopaedic and interceptive treatments aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 9. Thus, we easily correct improper habits and malformations of the bones, which can only be corrected with surgery as an adult.

Orthodontics in two phases

To achieve a healthy, functional and aesthetic result in the long term, orthodontic treatments must be approached in two phases. In the first phase, we guide and correct bone growth. In the second, we improve the position of the teeth.


Do you want to learn more about Moonz?

Professionals dedicated to orthodontics for over 12 years.

The magical world of

Moonz Las Rozas

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