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Our centres > Moonz Marbella

Moonz Marbella

N-340, Km. 176, 29600 Marbella, Málaga

Emergencies: 646 120 296

Regular hours:

Monday to Thursday: 10:00-14:00 | 15:00-20:00

Friday: 10:00-19:00

Summer hours: from July 1 to August 31
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
Monday and Wednesday:
10:30-13:30; 14:30-20:00

Regular hours:

Monday to Thursday: 10:30-20:00

Friday: 10:30-19:00

Summer hours: from July 1 to August 31
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
Monday and Wednesday:
10:30-13:30; 14:30-20:00

About Moonz Marbella

Moonz dental clinic Marbella is located at the Oasis Business Centre. Our clinic is specialised in treating children and we have a large team of Paediatric Dentists and Orthodontists with extensive experience in providing dental care for the youngest members of the family.
On the one hand, we offer all kinds of dental treatments aimed at preventing and correcting the main dental problems affecting children, such as cavities, pulpectomies, fluoride treatments, sealants, etc.
On the other hand, we provide the main orthodontic treatments for children aimed at preventing and correcting many irregularities affecting the jaw bones and teeth: palate expanders, metal braces, clear aligners, aesthetic braces, etc.
Moonz dental clinic Marbella is equipped with state-of-the-art technology: panoramic x-ray, intraoral scanner, sedation, etc.
Our installations are characterised for having a fun decoration that appeals to children, helping improve their well-being and to perceive going to the dentist as a fun activity. Also, the centre has personnel that speak English.
Our Marbella dental clinic can be reached by private as well as public transport. If you come by car, parking is readily available nearby and for free. If public transport is preferred, you can arrive by bus (lines 1, 8, 12, 13 or L-79).

Your Moonz dentists

Dra. Mª Eugenia Delgado Orozco

My name is Maria Eugenia Delgado Orozco. I graduated from the University of Granada in Dentistry. When I was a teenager, I had the opportunity to closely monitor my own orthodontic treatment, which prompted me to study this profession..

Later I worked several years as a general dentist, thanks to which I learned to have a global view of the oral problems in my patients. As from the beginning I wanted to be an orthodontist, I completed my postgraduate studies in Orthodontics at the Institute of Development of Orthodontics..

Being part of the Moonz team means not only to develop my professional dream with the best methods and the highest quality, but also offer our patients an enriching and enjoyable experience”.

Our treatments for children and teens

Discover our treatments

At Moonz dental clinics we provide specialised care in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry for children and teens.

Interceptive orthodontics and orthopaedics

 We provide orthopaedic and interceptive treatments aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 9. Thus, we easily correct improper habits and malformations of the bones, which can only be corrected with surgery as an adult.

First visit to the Orthodontist

The Spanish Orthodontic Society recommends the first orthodontic evaluation be conducted at age 6. Thus, the Orthodontist can detect malocclusions or incorrect oral habits that are easier to correct at an early age.

Child orthodontics

We provide orthopaedic and interceptive treatments aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 9. Thus, we easily correct improper habits and malformations of the bones, which can only be corrected with surgery as an adult.

Orthodontics in two phases

To achieve a healthy, functional and aesthetic result in the long term, orthodontic treatments must be approached in two phases. In the first phase, we guide and correct bone growth. In the second, we improve the position of the teeth.

The magical world of

Moonz Marbella

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